[Buff] Venom needs a couple of slight changes


Active member
May 30, 2020
Venom is a situational class that can really help your team out during group fights and can be essential in taking down juggernauts and dwarves. Ultimately though, it is marketed as an offensive and hit and run class, and in its current state, I would say that it isn't very good at its job.

I will be using a trooper (without saturation) as a benchmark for this thread.

If you hit somebody one time, they take the damage from your sword which is 1-1.5 hearts. Then after 5 seconds, they will take 2 more hearts, (accounting for natural regeneration). You're talking 3 to 3.5 hearts if you're doing the hit and run strategy. As an offensive class, this sucks, and it's only redeeming quality is that a medic is unable to heal the hearts taken by poison. Right now, the only way to really play the class effectively is to hit as many people as possible in a group fight, and hope that you get out of it alive, or have a pocket medic/sacrificial. I do have a couple of suggestions that won't completely change venom but will make it a more viable class.

1 - Reward venom for more than 1 hit on an opponent (By 3-4 seconds of additional poison)

Currently, venom only gets 5 seconds of poison, which isn't very good, (we've covered this). If you hit an opponent again before the 5 seconds is up, it will restart the timer. This is bad in an actual 1v1. Instead, on every extra hit above the first one, add 3 more seconds to the poison counter. This would provide a reward to a venom that stays in the fight, and would make the damage the venom takes in fighting more worth it.

Edit: Boxes suggested to add a cap to the duration of poison. Somewhere in between 11-14 seconds makes sense.

2 - Reveal ghosts and wraiths on every tick of poison

As of now, whenever poison sets in on a ghost or wraith, the first tick will show a much smaller amount of the typical hit particles shown. The rest of the poison does not reveal the ghost, except for by sound (which isn't effective). Instead, like all other classes with damage over time, just reveal the ghost with particles.

These are just a couple of suggestions from a venom player. I truly think that on paper the class has potential. However, when alternatives such as pyro have the same damage output and way more utility, it doesn't make sense to reach 200 credits more for a class that just isn't as effective in a game.
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Jun 5, 2020
These changes sound nice, but one thing I would like is that for the increased duration per hit that it caps out at some point (maybe 11 or 14 seconds max?). The kit itself is supposed to be a hit and run kit after all.


Active member
May 30, 2020
These changes sound nice, but one thing I would like is that for the increased duration per hit that it caps out at some point (maybe 11 or 14 seconds max?). The kit itself is supposed to be a hit and run kit after all.
11 seconds (3 hits with the suggested change) would be the equivalent of 4.5 hearts without including natural regen.

14 seconds (4 hits with the suggested change) would be the equivalent of 6 hearts without including natural regen.

Nothing wrong with adding a limit to the timer to keep it from becoming too overpowered. Thank you Boxes.

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