Vampire really needs a buff.


May 29, 2020
My reasons for why it needs the buff

I really believe something should be done about Vampire, just a little bit. Because right now it feels like a very out-of-place kit. Back in the old days where the average playercount per game was way higher than what it currently is, there were many opportunities for Vampire to secure a kill to justify its starting HP. Now however, in order to see considerable use out of its ability (let's say 3 kills for example), you would need to secure kills equivalent to about 15%(In 20-player teams) ~ 20%(In 15-player teams) of the entire enemy team. That is a stark difference compared to the old days when there were around 40~50 players on each team--where you would only have to secure kills (I believe there were no assists back then) equivalent to around just 6%(In 50-player teams) ~ 7.5%(In 40-player teams). And keep in mind that I am comparing these playercounts at peak times, so you can imagine just how frustrating Vampire can be in games that are even smaller than Athios's current peaktime. You could argue that the assist score we have now helps Vamp's ability, but I personally feel it only marginally helps it.

Now, I'm not ignoring the fact that Vamp can be healed by Medic or Sacced by a Sacrificial; Yes, it's a very powerful combo. I'm also not ignoring the fact that Vamp can potentially be very powerful with how much HP to can have (up to 20 Hearts max). But there are justifiable reasons as to why both of these points don't help Vampire all that much.
  • Medic & Sac: Let's be frank: Both of these kits are universally helpful to any kit. The problem with Vampire is that it needs the support, compared to other kits that would greatly appreciate the support, but can make do without it to certain extents.
  • Vamp's: Max HP: Very very rarely will you ever reach this high in actual games. Right now, Vamp needs 7 kills to reach 20 Hearts. Going back to percentage comparisons: You would have to wipe out around an astounding 35%(In 20-player teams) ~ 46%(In 15-player teams) of the entire enemy team. Compare that to 14%(In 50-player teams) ~ 17.5%(In 40-player teams) and you can see the problem this kit is facing now.
The buff?

There are 3 options I've come up with that could help Vampire become a more useable kit. Currently it is stuck in the old times, so it should see a significant boost to compensate for the playerbase we have now.

  • Option 1: Remove the starting HP penalty (or at least set it to 8 Hearts). 6 Hearts is way too harsh to start off at, and you don't get many opportunities for kills either, so most of the time you'll either be stuck at that amount, 8 Hearts, or 10~12 Hearts (if the game is ideal enough) for the entire game.
  • Option 2: Increase the HP gain for each kill. I am thinking 3~4 Hearts per kill instead of 2 Hearts. Vamp was known to have a strong snowball effect, but that effect right now is too steep to manage. Another alternative to this option would be to give Vamp 4 Hearts on its first kill, 3 Hearts for the next 2 kills, and 2 Hearts for every kill after that.
  • Option 3 (My personal favorite): Vamp starts off with 14 Absorption Hearts for the first 2 minutes of the game. This ensures Vamp is able to exchange a few blows on its first interaction and maybe secure a kill or two without dying extremely quickly. They will be able to charge into the frontlines because of these bonus hearts, but they also cannot be completely reckless as these hearts cannot regenerate and are only there for a limited time. A very balanced feature in my opinion.
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