Theory on existence itself


New member
Jul 29, 2020
Ok, so. The way i think of it is simplified to just this following sentence. Anything that can be, is. Time is just another dimension of reality, much like length width and height. time is the 4th dimension, right? but there's more than that. There is the the possibilities and options that make up the 5th and 6th dimensions. These dimensions are what truy exist in the world. Think of the universe as a massive cloud of everything. You are just a singular point in that cloud, with a conic view of things in front of you. This is what I call a perspective. A perspective is what makes up anything. The 'reality' that we know of is merely a consensus of perspective and reality. We all exist in separately 'realities' but we have a consensus based on what we believe is true. This is what creates what we think of as a reality. Thus, because if you take any singular point on a graph, what I am saying is that there is a infinite amount of points in any given space. Thus, there is an infijnite about of perspectives. There is also an infinite amount of 'realities.' What we describe as 'fiction' is merely our understand to a very very VERY limited extent of another actually existing reality. Because all realities that are conceivable, and even those that are not, exist. All things that can exist, do exist. That is my thesis on the existenence of the world and the univerise, or as some would say the multiverse. Time is,as I said, merely a dimension. Thus, all time is simultaneously. This is extremely important to note because as we travel, as third dimensional perspecitves, 'through' time, we are merely changing reality. The passage of time is the passage through the universe itself. I think that was everything I was going for. Special thanks to the guys I was ta;lking to on voice chat during this explanation, they helped to make it a reality.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
If fictions are our understanding of an existing reality, then that means The Rise of Athios University is real. Sick.


Jul 17, 2020
You say that time is a dimension, but is time even real? In 1908 McTaggart published a famous paper that argued that time is not real. The way he described time is in 2 ways that he called "A series" and "B series". Its a really long and complicated argument but I like how this video explains it (you can skip to 1:35 if you want to go straight to the argument):
When philosophers try to explain time they're usually in the A theory camp or B theory camp. Of course there are many different interpretations of time.

Also you say that "reality" is based on our own individual perspective (if I am understanding you correctly). Does that mean you and I have a separate idea of what reality is? If so, then which perspective of reality is objectively true? If neither perspective of reality is true then what is reality? If reality is dependent on our perspective and consensus, does that mean reality did not exist before we or any other living beaing existed?
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