Sacrificial Revamp


Jun 5, 2020
For the sake of saving the playerbase aka Thae's ass. I'm proposing a rework on the Sacrificial Kit that will solve the issues about sac.

Current design:
The current design of sac violates the 3 rules of game design interactions
1. It's not fun for the enemy
2. People don't like sac on their team because they believe they'll get carried without any effort

If you think the camping playstyle is fun and have no interactivity, you can f*** off and play hide and seek in a warzone

The only thing that is making sac bearable is the new radius restriction. Utilizing the new changes, I suggest all of these new changes to be implemented to solve all of these problems

The Changes:

1. Removing the damage amplification that Sac receives
This might sound crazy, but it will make sense with the new changes. I receive feedback that the new radius restriction is a really balanced change that it gets Sac being open on the battlefield however, 5x is still way too much to be out there, they can get one-two shotted by everything and it's not that fun for the Sac player to be blown up instantly.

2. Removing regeneration of Steak over time
The regeneration of steak encourages more of a passive/camping playstyle. Playing against camping isn't fun

3. A new method of obtaining Steak
With that out of the way, you might ask, how else can Sac maintain their health and keep replenishing steak? The answer is simple, interactivity with the game and nature of PvP. With this new system, Sacs can replenish Steak for hitting their enemy! For every 3 hits you land on an enemy, you'll get 1 steak back! This will introduce a new playstyle of maintaining resources that can be fun and for once interactive

4. Reducing the amount of starting steak that Sac gets
From going from 10 to 6 steaks, this will compliment these new changes, unsure about the numbers tbh

Maybe change:
I heard from people that the strongest pair has to deal with the ones with kill rewards, aka Berserker and Vampire because sac makes up for their downside of having a vulnerable defensive from the beginning. We can fix this by increasing the the kill per bonus to every two kills

Quality of Life changes

1. Change Sac's helmet to Gold
Gives out who the sac with unique armor
2. Notify both players when bonds are about to break due to range
So I don't have to upset Waves anymore

New Changes:
1. Dealing with sac is less stressful
2. More skill involved that includes pvp, resource management, and micromanagement.
3. Interactions from all sides of the game too
4. You can play sac like the old way, it will be harder to maintain resources and won't feel like a disadvantage fighting the sac'd player as so with these new changes.

Thanks for reading, I'll edit in any missing information tomorrow morning
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Active member
May 30, 2020
I see these suggestions as worsening the situation actually.

Removing the damage amplification is going to mean sacs will just start fighting rather than playing support.

Your suggestion that sac should replenish steaks from hitting players is bad on two accounts:
1. Why should a support kit be PvPing at all? Is PvPing a pre-requisite to healing for medics?
2. A sac will effectively have infinite health this way, especially in 1v1s. You can get three hits before losing 4 hearts if your a decent PvPer and have no damage amplification. This is actually a ridiculous buff.

As for what the starting steaks should be, I personally believe that should be a function of the amount of players there are, capping at 10 of course.

Honestly, medic is just as strong of a support kit (even stronger since it heals the whole team). It literally allows your whole team to charge forward and put the opposite team into camping. From there on, it can be quite easy to dwindle their numbers and if you can can’t you can always arm the nuke. SnD is now a game about controlling the centre rather than eliminating their last line of defence.


Jun 5, 2020
Removing the damage amplification is going to mean sacs will just start fighting rather than playing support.
A support kit can pvp and it's sometimes a fine design too. Just to note that I believe with the current design of sac, that sac can't regen steak, or eat them if they aren't bonded with anyone. So they are basically a worse noahcraft. Correct me if I'm wrong
1. Why should a support kit be PvPing at all? Is PvPing a pre-requisite to healing for medics?
Medics can pvp with iron sword and heal with the wand, ever since offhand was introduced to the game, medics were hugely buff over all and no one complained about it.
2. A sac will effectively have infinite health this way, especially in 1v1s. You can get three hits before losing 4 hearts if your a decent PvPer and have no damage amplification. This is actually a ridiculous buff.
I figure that 3 hits would be too low but I just thought with the knockback and wooden sword that landing hits wouldn't be easy or effective in dealing damage. The original thought was 4 hits but this is something I would have to see in practice and adjust from there. I was concern about this too. Maybe reducing the armor down too by a few points can do.

As for what the starting steaks should be, I personally believe that should be a function of the amount of players there are, capping at 10 of course.
A good suggestion, I don't know what the ratio would be, lowering it down would be nice and having a cap

Honestly, medic is just as strong of a support kit (even stronger since it heals the whole team). It literally allows your whole team to charge forward and put the opposite team into camping. From there on, it can be quite easy to dwindle their numbers and if you can can’t you can always arm the nuke. SnD is now a game about controlling the centre rather than eliminating their last line of defence.
Medic is a kit that just swings the tide of battle easily to one side if they have a medic to begin with. The new absorption nerf actually put medic on the spot of being super vulnerable now. It's only been a few days since the new SnD came out and we are still finding what's good and what's the meta really. But for now, I think Sac is in need of changes because the old design was just too toxic to play with.


May 25, 2020
Sacrificial is a controversial kit, and the reasons you mentioned absolutely play into that.
There's nothing fun about fighting a seemingly invincible player. You have to cancel the fight and look for the sac after already starting a fight, as opposed to a Medic, which you can see from a mile away. Medic also needs a looking at imo, but we can get to that in another post.

The original reason Sac was made to take extra direct damage was due to Sacs taking their 10 steak and using it directly in battle, without caring to sac an ally. With these proposed changes, I believe something similar would be possible. This could probably be fixed by having it so you only gain steak on hits if you sac an ally, which would still force it to remain support.

But even with that adjustment, I still believe it'd be a pain to fight. Is there anything more frustrating than going into a fight and realizing that the player you chose to fight is near-invincible, and that you have to run away to try and kill someone else in the crowd? This issue is made worse if the sac is harder to kill, which it definitely would be due to its pretty decent armor and regen of steak on melee hits. I definitely agree that Sac needs changes, but I don't know if this is the way to go about it, as I feel the core issue isn't fully addressed.

That said, I definitely want to keep discussing this kit and its possible changes or even removal. Thanks for this thread.

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