[Hub Suggestion] Automatically close doors and fix item frames


New member
Mar 14, 2021
I like lobbies that feel interactable. It makes for a great place to hang out. I think the hub fishing system added recently is a great way to do that.

But there also needs to be a balance from players having free range to do whatever they want in the hub.
Which is currently a slight issue with trap doors and item frames with-in the hub.

Having a plugin that simply denies you from opening or closing certain trap doors removes a level of intractability and makes the server more stale.

But often times trap doors have decorational placement. And if someone was to go around the hub flipping every door, trap door, item frame, etc to the opposite position that it's supposed to be in. It'd ruin the feeling of a polished lobby and part of the aesthetics of the build.

What I'm purposing is creating your own plugin that resets blocks and certain entities like item frames back into their original positions after a delay. Or use one currently existing like [Persistence] to do so. It allows you to close all doors, trap doors, reset item frames, and even teleports vehicles back to their original position after use. Assuming they are still in render or haven't died. It also is really easy to modify what's supposed to be what. As it doesn't change blocks that were changed by a user in creative mode. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/persistence.88669/
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