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  1. toomuchzelda

    how to make snd better [9 yes votes 0 no votes]

    hi guys i have a good ideas to make snd better. just do these and the game will be s o good. trust me. okay so first you need to remvoe all the bad kits. what's a bad kit? there are two things that make a kit bad. 1: it is overpowerd. 2: it is prominently played by @T_0-E_D . so this means you...
  2. toomuchzelda

    1.8 like combat and Search and Destroy

    tl;dr: a bunch of adjustments to lib's RWF to make the combat feel better and closer to 1.8. Comparison video at the bottom. This post is about replicating 1.8 combat in SnD. I'll go over some issues present in Red Warfare/Athios PvP system, and how I went about fixing them. This is in the...
  3. toomuchzelda

    Kit Kit: Wind

    here is a great kit idea i thought of icon: glass pane gear: all chain with gold pants. wood sword this kit will also receive a single glass pane. when this pane is held, and another player is interacted with (enemy or teammate), they will have an easterly wind applied to them. they will be...
  4. toomuchzelda

    Kit kit sans undertale

    disclaimer: smaland wrote this on his phone and did not fully think it through at the time of creation.
  5. toomuchzelda

    Kit kit jumper

    please add kit jumper, an extremely popular kit from blue warfare here are the details: Icon: Beacon Gear: Gold Helmet, Gold Chestplate, Leather leggings, leather boots. Wood sword with sharpness 3. 64 snowballs The leather boots have Frost Walker and Feather Falling 900 Ability: Jumper...